I’ve got the animated model done for the first of three critters I will be doing. It is essentially a space spider.
If you’ve read any posts by me in the past, then you may know of my slight insectophobia. Hopefully this phobia helped me to create a more scary and creepy spider:
Various forms of spiders have been reported in deep space. The most common being “Arachnida Malvectis”. There are few dangers more horrific in space than these arachnids. They have ravaged entire ships – stealthily killing entire crews. They are very dangerous – able to survive for long periods of time in the vacuum of space – flinging themselves from asteroid to asteroid – from ship to ship – even from planet to planet. They are common aboard Insecturan vessels – where they are used as a form of pet (a rather dangerous pet). Little else is known about these spiders. The original native home-world of the common space spider is unknown and explorers who have ventured to search for it are often never heard from again.
I made 4 variations. 2 large and 2 small. 1 dirty and bumpy and the other smooth and shiny. They all use the same skeleton and animations.
I don’t like spiders. I’m glad I’m done with them – even if it was somewhat enjoyable doing the models. A common technique used in the psychology of phobias is to expose the patient gradually more and more to the phobia in question. This is known as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desensitization_(psychology) and has a history of some success. So in the case of arachnophobia – you might start with pictures of spiders and then work your way to videos of spiders. Then if progress is made – you might have the patient see a spider in real life. The ultimate objective would be to have the patient touch the spider without fear – (or if you are from a south east asian culture – it is common to eat spiders – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fried_spider)
I don’t think I will ever make this much progress. I am satisfied that I am now no longer creeped out by images of spiders as much as I used to be – after staring at reference materials for these models I did.
That is one of the reasons cats make such wonderful pets. http://landscaping.answers.com/garden-pests/not-just-a-pet-why-cats-also-make-great pest-control – Cats love killing spiders and I rarely see insects in households with cats. We really do have a symbiotic relationship with our pets.
Next up – I’ll be creating either a zombie critter or a worm critter – I’m not sure which yet.
I’m debating whether to make the worm more like a meal worm – or more like an elongated squiggly worm.