I’ve got two more “space critter” models done. A space worm and a space grub.
I made various skins for them:
Giant worms and grubs have been found to be quite numerous throughout space. Ship and station maintenance staff often come in contact with them during routine repairs – they often attach themselves to machinery and other sources of heat or vibration. Most varieties are not too dangerous – however certain variations have developed very sharp fangs and can bore through flesh. Population explosions have made them more and more of a danger. Entire crews have been known to be killed by these ravenous creatures. Coming aboard a ship that has been overcome by them is not a pretty sight. The larger grubs are the breeders and the smaller worms are more like workers or soldiers. The breeders can survive in the vacuum of space and are able to launch their larvae to distant planets – often they end up colliding with unsuspecting spacefaring vessels.
The grubs are large and slow moving but if the player is caught by one it will be difficult to get past it and it will do large amounts of damage.
The worms are quicker and more numerous – but they do much less damage.
I only have one more “critter” I am planning to do at this point in time – a space zombie. After that I will need to do some miscellaneous maintenance and then I will start the next major artistic phase of the game’s development – building all the various ships. I’ll talk more about that process in the future.