Zombies are popular nowadays – so I figured it would probably be a good idea to have them in my game in some form.
Reports of strange behavior aboard starships is not out of the ordinary. Crews on deep space missions have shown strange decreases in language comprehension and mental ability and then suddenly stopped communicating altogether and we don’t know why. Expeditions should be sent out to determine the fates of these vessels.
I opted for a more slow moving zombie. But I made sure to make their animations fast enough to have them still be a somewhat challenging threat.
I created simple variations of skins for them:
The pitch black one is actually the scariest to me. It almost looks like a ghost or something.
The relatively recent explosion of interest in zombies in popular culture is pretty amazing.
I actually believe that our interest in television shows like “The Walking Dead” and video games like “DayZ” has less to do with zombies and more to do with the emotional topics of survival and human trust.
I believe that “The Walking Dead” could have been about a world taken over by lions or bears and it would have been just as interesting in my opinion.
Anywhoozle, I’m done with my “critters”. I won’t be doing much more character rigging and modeling from here on out. Eventually, I want to do female versions of all the human variations I have created – and ideally all the alien species that warrant having a female version . Insecturans, Machinulans and Artificians – I think are fairly asexual so I won’t need to do a female version for them. Zombies should get a female version eventually too.
I have to do some brainstorming related things for about a week or two and then I will be starting the next major phase of the game’s development: Building all the various ships. I have a lot of ideas for ships and I’m looking forward to digging into that next.